Customer Concern Policy

Our Aim

Here at Volkswagen Bank United Kingdom Branch we are committed to bringing you well designed products and services. You should always feel confident in the quality of the service you receive from us. However, if your experience fails to live up to your expectations, and our high standards, we’d like to be the first to know so we can put them right.

How can you contact us?

To make it as easy as possible for you to raise any concerns you may have, you can get in touch with us in the following ways:

Telephone: By calling our Customer Service team on 0845 120 9931.


Post: Customer Service Team, Brunswick Court, Yeomans Drive, Blakelands, Milton Keynes MK14 5LR

However you choose to contact us, we will do our best to; understand why we have not lived up to your expectations, what we need to do to put that right and how we need to do it.

How will we respond?

We will aim to resolve your complaint as promptly as possible, normally within 15 working days. Sometimes, these things can take a while to resolve, so we will keep you informed of any progress along the way.