- Volkswagen Bank
- Volkswagen Bank
Please use the forms below, for any new or additional Account access requirements.
Forms can be submitted electronically to Volkswagen Bank, but must also be accompanied by an original signed hard copy of the “Authority form” signed by an authorised signatory of the business.
If you require access to Cash Account or Loan Management please contact Volkswagen Bank directly.
New User form
Edit User form
Delete User form
Authority form
Once you have completed the online new user/edit user application form, please click on the link below to download the authority form. The form must be signed by an Authorised signatory of the business which must be a Statutory Director or persons authorised by the Board Resolution and Authorised Persons Signatures form.
Direct Debit Mandate form
To be completed if you are a new Retailer or recently changed your High Street Bank details. Please ensure you complete all fields and sign the mandate. Upon completion post to Volkswagen Bank HQ immediately.
Password Reset Request form
Please complete and send us this form where a password reset is required. Password resets cannot be authorised over the telephone or without completion of this form.
Board Resolution and Authorised Persons Signatures form
This form must be completed by your outlets Board of Management and sent to Volkswagen Bank. This is to ensure that they have nominated specific authorised people to act on your outlets behalf. Once your Board of Management have agreed the persons who are able to act on your outlets behalf, please complete the Board Resolution and Authorised Signatory Mandate and when fully completed, send the original document to Volkswagen Bank.