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All you need to know to keep your agreement up to date
Find the best way to manage your agreement
We aim to make managing your agreement as quick and easy as possible for you. To help us get any answers or confirmations over to you as quickly as possible, please consider which type of account you have with us:
Private customers – Log-in to your account to manage your agreement.
Business customers & Finance Lease customers – Read this page which details common requests and questions and their answers, alongside best ways for our business customers and Finance Lease customers to contact us. Business customers include Sole Traders, Partnerships, Charities, Limited Companies or PLCs.
Updating your details
How do I update my contract details (address, e-mail, phone number etc)?
You can update us on changes to your contact details by completeing this online form.
Here you can update your address, phone numbers or e-mail address. If you need to change other details you can contact us here.
How do I update my bank details / Direct Debit?
Most Business customers can update their Direct Debit details by completing one of online forms:
Update Direct Debit - (Solutions PCP, Hire Purchase or Lease Purchase)
Update Direct Debit - (Contract Hire and Finance Lease)
Limited Companies
If your agreement is as a limited company you need to print off, fill in, and sign this direct debit mandate form and return it to us in one of the following ways:
1. Email
- Solutions (PCP), Hire Purchase and Lease Purchase customers can email it to customerservices@vwfs.co.uk
- Contract Hire or Finance Lease customers can email it to Fleet.Administration@vwfs.co.uk
2. Post
All customers can post it to: Volkswagen Financial Services (UK) Ltd., Customer Services, 1 Delaware Drive, Milton Keynes, MK15 8HG, UK
Please Note:
- We care about your security, so we’ll need a separate form for each agreement you have with us. So, for example, if you have a Solutions (PCP) agreement and a Fixed Cost Maintenance plan, we’ll need two forms.
- We’ll need your new bank details at least 14 days before your next payment is due. If it’s due sooner than that, you may have to pay in a different way – contact us to find out more.
- The new account must be in the name of whoever has the agreement.
Managing your agreement FAQs
Can I change my payment date?
Depending on your agreement, you may be able to move your payment date forward or back by 30 days. But you’ll need to tell us at least 14 days before your next payment. You can change your payment date once a year. Please note amending your payment date will not amend your end-of-contract date.
To talk to us about changing your payment date, you can find our contact details here
How do I change my vehicle registration?
If you have a Contract Hire agreement the process of assigning or removing your personalised number plate will need to go through us, as we are the registered owner and keeper of the vehicle. Please contact us on FleetPersonalisedNumberPlate@vwfs.co.uk.
If you are not a Contract Hire customer, and want to discuss your vehicle registration with us you can find our contact details here.
How do I change the mileage on my agreement?
You can only change your mileage on a Contract Hire or Fixed Cost Maintenance agreement.
It is important to note that if you exceed the mileage set on your agreement on any of our products you will be charged excess mileage costs when you hand the vehicle back. If you are concerned about this you should contact your retailer who will be able to advise on your individual situation.
Contract Hire agreements
For Contract Hire customers, we can’t make any changes if your agreement is in its first or last six months.
Other key points to note:
- Mileage can only be changed once a year
- Changes must be at least 5,000 miles up or down
- Your allowance must be a minimum of 5,000 miles a year
- Total allowances over the lifetime of your agreement can’t exceed 120,000 miles (150,000 miles on Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles)
- Updating your mileage will result in changes to your agreement, so you need to contact us for a quote using the online forms below:
- If you accept the quote, there’s a £60 fee to cover the work involved in amending your agreement.
To request a change of mileage to your Contract Hire agreement, please complete this form.
Fixed Cost Maintenance agreements
For Fixed Cost Maintenance customers, we can only increase your mileage. If you do that, you can’t return to the previous lower limit later on.
To request to increase your mileage on your Fixed Cost Maintenance agreement, please complete this form.
Can I make additional partial payments on top of my monthly payment?
If you have a PCP, Hire Purchase or Lease Purchase agreement you may be able to make a partial payment towards your agreement to reduce the monthly rentals or shorten the term of the agreement. If permitted you can do this as often as you wish, however the minimum the monthly rental can be reduced to is £50.00 and the minimum the term remaining can be reduced to is 1 month.
Once the payment is made the finance agreement will be re-calculated and confirmation will be sent in the post. If you are in arrears, any partial payment will be used to clear that arrears debt first, then the remainder can be put against term or rental.
To make a partial payment online, please complete this form.
Please note if you have a Contract Hire or Finance Lease or an unregulated agreement you are unable to reduce the monthly rentals or shorten the term of the agreement by making a partial payment.
Can I take my vehicle abroad?
If you have a Finance Lease, Hire Purchase, Lease Purchase or Solutions (PCP) finance agreement with us, no action is required. Your agreement states you can take the vehicle abroad (European destinations only) for a maximum of 60 days. However, please ensure that you have adequate insurance cover.
If you have a Contract Hire finance agreement with us and wish to take the vehicle abroad, you will need to obtain a VE103 Foreign Travel Authority certificate from us. Requesting one is easy, just complete this form online.
You still need to ensure that you have adequate insurance cover, and you will be sent your VE103 Foreign Travel Authority certificate within 14 days of your request, but please note this is valid for one year only and allows travel for up to 90 days in mainland Europe.
Its also important you are aware of the local driving laws, and are prepared for travelling through a city that requires a low emissions sticker.
How do I view my agreement or account statements?
- Request an annual statement - it marks the anniversary of the date your agreement started and shows all the payments made up until then. You can download a guide to your annual statement which will help explain the document.
- Request a statement of accounts - We’ll tell you all the payments you made between two dates.
- Request an amortisation statement - avaliable for regulated agreements, this shows what’s left to pay on your account – both capital and interest – from the date you request a copy until the end of your agreement.
- Request an annual VAT schedule - a copy of your VAT Schedule for Contract Hire or Finance Lease agreements. It shows all the payments due for up to 12 months.
Am I required to renew the Road Fund License (RFL) for my vehicle?
For Contract Hire agreements we will tax and provide roadside assistance for every year of your agreement. The DVLA has introduced an online vehicle road tax system; and we will send a letter at the start of your agreement as confirmation that your vehicle will be taxed during the duration of your agreement in accordance with DVLA requirements. For more information on this please visit https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-tax
For all other agreements it is your responsibility to renew the RFL as appropriate.
My vehicle has been involved in an insurance claim - what should I do?
It is important that you continue to pay all monthly payments when due until the matter is resolved. If your vehicle has been in an accident and is not a total loss then Contract Hire customers must have this repaired at one of our approved retailers. All other products can choose where to get repairs done, however we would advise using an authorised repairer to ensure you do not invalidate the warranty and avoid charges at the end of contract if repairs do not meet our standards.
You can find your nearest location below:
However if your vehicle has been deemed a total loss as it has been stolen or written off you will need to get in contact with us in order that we can advise of the full process depending on the finance product you have. Please have to hand the last known mileage of the vehicle, the name of your insurance company and any reference numbers you have for them.
If you have any questions or concerns about your insurance claim, please contact us as soon as possible and we will be able to support you through the process.
What is Driverline?
Driverline is a free service provided for Contract Hire and VWFS | Fleet Customers. It provides you with fast and reliable access to a wide range of essential services, such as roadside assistance, accident management, service and maintenance bookings, tyre repairs and glass repairs. All from one point of contact.
In addition Driverline comes with our Ensurance product for accident and repair cover. Free for 3 years, it sits alongside your existing comprehensive motor insurance policy to get you back on the road as quickly as possible, using only genuine parts.
To start enjoying the benefits of Driverline simply register by calling the correct phone number below:
- Audi: 0330 100 8909
- Volkswagen: 0330 100 8988
- Škoda: 0330 100 8889
- SEAT: 0330 100 8910
- Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles: 0330 100 8929
I want to end my agreement early, how do I do this?
The options you have available towards the end of your agreement depend on what agreement type you have. Please view our end of contract page for the full details.
What happens if I get a driving fine or parking ticket?
This depends on the type of agreement you have with us:
· Solutions Personal Contract Plan (PCP), Hire Purchase (HP), Lease Purchase (LP), or Finance Lease (FL):
If you have one of these agreements, you will receive driving fines and parking tickets directly. It will be your responsibility to pay or appeal them.
· Contract Hire:
If you have a Contract Hire agreement, we, as the registered keeper of the vehicle, will initially receive the fine. The course of action will depend on the type of fine, as detailed below.
How are fines handled under a Contract Hire agreement?
For Contract Hire agreements, the way fines are handled depends on whether they are representable or payable:
Representable Fines
These include fines such as:
· Police fines (e.g., speeding and fixed penalty notices)
· Private Parking Operator fines
· Dart Charge
· Council fines (e.g., bus lanes, parking, or moving traffic violations)
In these cases, we will nominate you (the customer) to pay or appeal the fine by sharing your details with the relevant authority. However, if the fine progresses to a stage where we must pay it, or the issuing authority is unable to accept fine transfers, we will pay and recharge the fine amount to you along with a £10 administration fee, via Direct Debit.
Payable Fines
These include:
· Transport for London (TFL) fines (e.g., bus lanes, parking, moving traffic violations)
· Congestion charges
· Toll road charges (e.g., EFlow, Merseyflow, Humber Bridge)
· Railway Bylaws
As the registered keeper, we are required by legislation or issuing authorities to pay these fines. We will recharge the fine amount to you, along with a £10 administration fee, via Direct Debit. This process does not impact your ability to appeal the fine.
Can I appeal a fine if it has already been paid on my behalf?
Yes, you can still appeal a fine even if we have paid it on your behalf. The process for appealing will depend on the issuing authority.
For Contract Hire customers, we will write to you to provide a copy of the fine. This will be accompanied by a Third-Party Authorisation Letter that is required to speak to the authority. You will need to send this with your appeal. If you have not received this, please contact us on the details below to obtain a copy.
Customer Operations
Volkswagen Financial Services UK LTD
Telephone 0330 100 8911 (Option 2)
Email: Fleet.Fines@vwfs.co.uk
Should you be successful in your appeal and the authority issues us with a refund, we will credit the penalty charge amount and administration fee back to you.
Please note we are unable to appeal on your behalf as we are not the driver of the vehicle.
Will I be charged an administration fee for fines?
Yes, if we pay a fine on your behalf or if a fine progresses to a stage where we must handle it, we will add a £10 administration fee to the fine amount. This fee will be recharged to you via Direct Debit.